Minimum Clicks
Less is More
With just a few clicks, you and your clients can take advantage of all the powerful features of eConnexis.
Incredibly easy, incredibly robust. What’s not to love?

How are we different?
Easy Appt. Confirmation
1-touch appointment confirmations via text or email save time and increase efficiency.
Convenient Dashboard
Intelligent dashboard gives a comprehensive overview of your review ratings, emails, text messages, and survey ratings, so there is no need for extra clicks.
Quick Templates
Send emails or texts for any occasion with quickly customizable templates.

Easy to Use
There Truly is Beauty in Simplicity
Easy, intuitive layout requires no special training, so you’ll be ready to see benefits right after you start using the software.
Emails and text messages for appointment reminders and other purposes are automatically sent, so there are no hours wasted individually calling clients and playing phone tag.
Kick back, and relax.

Access Anywhere
Take eConnexis With You
Ready to use on any device, eConnexis is available whenever and wherever you are.
Always stay connected, regardless of the device used.

So, how does it work?
Cloud Based
No longer tied down by physical software installed on a specific PC, enjoy the ease of accessing the software online via any device with Internet access.
Be Mobile
No matter where you are, you can access eConnexis via smartphone, tablet, or portable laptop.
Anytime Support
Our state-of-the-art customer service personnell is ready to answer questions whenever you have them.

No Contracts
No Need to Tie Yourself Down in a Commitment
Break free from restrictive contracts and say hello to a new level of complete freedom.
No contracts, so you can rest easy.

How are we different?
Monthly Payments
Low monthly payments provide the flexibility and the freedom to cancel anytime.
Competitor Buyout
Have leftover months in a current contract? eConnexis will buy those months from the competitor, so you can start using the software, hassle-free.
Free Month
Try out all of the features for a full month, without being automatically binded by a contract.